Saturday, April 25, 2015

Pattern Testers CALL

That's right you read that right. I finally did it. After many requests I decided to turn one of my self drafted patterns into a pdf for everyone to enjoy. I picked a pattern that is super flattering toward any woman's figure and as a special bonus it can also be made into a nursing top. It is all flat constructed so it's a great pattern for beginner or advanced sewers. You can easily whip one up in an afternoon. Yet it has a lovely sophisticated look. Now I need pattern testers who would like a chance to try it out. It comes in 5 sizes (XS, S, M, L, and XL). I'm looking for around 3 testers for each size.

As a tester you obviously get a free copy of the final pattern in all it's sizes (does not include seller's license). You also might have a picture of your finished work featured in the pdf pattern itself. 

What is required of a tester?

1.) I need you to tell me about any issues you have with the pattern or any typos you may find.
2.) If the fit seems off I need to know what you are having an issue with.
3.) I also need bust, waist, and hip measurements of your finished garment.
4.) I need to know how much fabric you had to use to make this project.
5.) Did the sizing seem correct?
6.) Were the instructions easy to follow?
7.) I also would like you to provide a picture or pictures of your finished garment. 

I will need you to complete at least one shirt and report back to me within 1 week. As I said this pattern goes together quickly. I have 5 kids and found a way to draft the pattern and make myself 4 shirts from it in 1 week.

How do you get to be a tester you ask? First be sure you can do what is required of a tester. Next follow my blog so even if you don't get picked to test this time you will still know when I'm calling for testers next time. Next send me an email at wildblumes @ with the answers to the following questions. Please be sure to put "Pattern Tester Call" and the letter size you'd like to test in the subject line. 

1.) What is your sewing experience? (aka years/months sewing, experience working with patterns, ect.)
2.) What is you skill level?
3.) What size can you test?
4.) Do you plan to blog about it?

Please be as honest as possible. Being a beginner doesn't mean you will be disqualified from testing. I would like to have feedback from all different skill levels.

If you aren't selected to test don't worry. The final pattern will be available soon. Hooray!

As always feel free to ask questions below if you have any. 

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